konsolidasi buruh

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Demo Buruh PT. SGP di Kedubes Jepang

Lomenik -Jakarta, 11 July 2012.
 10 July  2012, 500 workers members of F Lomenik , F KUI, and other federation affiliated to KSBSI given solidarity action to protest  dismissal of 193 workers members of  FKUI SBSI. They dishmished by  PT SGP (Surya Gemilang Perkasa)  regarding their  demonstration to demand  decent  work and freedon to orgaized.  PT SGP produce Japan auto part component  from KAWASAKI, YAMAHA, HONDA MOTOR, NISSAN AND DAIHATSU.
KSBSI  Solidarity demanding  Japan investment in Indonesia  respect  for  Labour right  and  implement  ILO  standard  no 87 and 98. KSBSI Solidarity demanding  reinstated all 193 workers and stop to practice precarious work in PT SGP.  Three of  Representatif  welcome to the  discuss with Economic division of Japan Embassy and they promise to contact management of PT SGP.

(Case closed. Employer and FKUI plant level agreed to setlle the case trough bipartited level)

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