konsolidasi buruh

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

KSBSI Tolak Upah Murah

10 July 2012, KSBSI and Federation also against Goverment concept to revice Manpower Regulation No.17/2005 about  Component of  decent wages. Government  with working committe  decided to increase the component  of  decent wages. Committee decided to extend  4 component of wages like deodorant, belt,  iron and sock.
KSBSI and Federation demanding  Goverment  followed  Trade Union Survey  with NGO (AKATIGA). This survey  found 163 component of  wages to fulfill 100% workers needs.  46 component on Regulation No.17/2005 only fulfill 62% from workers needs.  KSBSI and federation asking goverment to  take serious  action to increase the component of decent wages.
When this news publish Goverment c.q. Minister of Manpower Department decided to increase decent wages component become 60 component.

Tuntut Pelaksanaan Hak Normatif di PT PRIMA JAYA TUNGGAL

11 July 2012, KSBSI  Solidarity also protest  Manpower Department in Jakarta.  Manpower  Department in Tangerang have no power to force Employer to respect  normatif right of workers PT PJT. Joko Branch Lomenik Tangerang Chairman  said " Employer only paying workers Rp. 1.000.000 until 1.200.000/month, lowers than regional regulation 1.527.150/month". Employer also emloyed workers with Trainee  and short term contract. Employer also intimidate workers not to join Lomenik SBSI as members.
Two times  employer  making  agreement  to fulfill workers right, but  no implementation.  Employer continue  to  repress  workers to resign from Lomenik SBSI and  force them to sign new contract as trainee workers or  short periodict contract if members of Lomenik SBSI stop their strike.  Lomenik  organized strike since 15 June 2012. PT PJT employed 400 workers and Lomenik members 235. Most of them are women. This company produce printing for famous shoes product   like SPOTECT, NIKE, REEBOK and Adidas.  Tey Are suplier for PT . Panarub.
After meeting with Manpower Department, Manpower department making direct letter to company to implement all normatif right in PT PJT.  Back from  Manpower Department Amril Gunawan (M) Chairman of Plant Level of Lomenik SBSI and Edi Hermawan (M)  secretary  invite by  Police Officer  in Tangerang District as witness, regarding Employer report   with accuse to do unconfortable manner (strike).